Gabriela&Valentin Boiangiu


Dr Patrick Eyres ( New Arcadian Press)

'....As I travel by underground to Kings Cross Station, I collect a free pocket tube map, which will thrill this born-and-bred Londoner as a souvenir of HOME. While the train speeds north, I look forward to being met in Leeds and driven HOME. I reflect upon my encounter with the connection between the letter-reader and HOME. I know that my response to the sculpture has been stimulated by the invitation from Gabriela and Valentin Boiangiu to write on the theme of their exhibition: HOME. Although the idea of HOME touches everyone deeply, the daily busy-ness of life often intrudes on the opportunity for reflection. Their theme has prompted my sculptural encounter and has reminded me that I represent the first generation of my family born since 1900 that has not been shattered by deaths in the wars of the twentieth century, and that my sense of connection and contented-ness with HOME is due to a life lived during a sustained period of domestic peace....'

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